
PolEval 2017 papers were published in the conference proceedings and presented during the special session organized at the 8th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics (LTC 2017) in Poznań on November 19, 2017 in two sessions:

Task 1: Part-of-Speech Tagging

Kobyliński Ł. and Ogrodniczuk M.: Results of the PolEval 2017 Competition: Part-of-Speech Tagging Shared Task
Krasnowska-Kieraś K.: Morphosyntactic disambiguation for Polish with bi-LSTM neural networks
Pęzik P. and Laskowski S.: Evaluating an averaged perceptron morphosyntactic tagger for Polish
Piasecki M. and Walentynowicz W.: MorphoDiTa-based Tagger Addapted to the Polish Language Technology
Rychlikowski P., Zapotoczny M. and Chorowski J.: Character-Based Neural POS Tagger
Wróbel K.: KRNNT: Polish Recurrent Neural Network Tagger

Task 2: Sentiment Analysis

Wawer A. and Ogrodniczuk M.: Results of the PolEval 2017 Competition: Sentiment Analysis Shared Task
Korbak T. and Żak P.: Fine-tuning Tree-LSTM for phrase-level sentiment classification on a Polish dependency treebank
Lew M. and Pęzik P.: A Sequential Child-Combination Tree-LSTM Network for Sentiment Analysis
Ryciak N.: Polish Language Sentiment Analysis with Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Network